painting, printmaking and mixed media
For Sally, making art is a passion and a pleasure. Personal experience, cultural or historical subjects tend to be her inspiration. From oils to mixed media, from print to pastels, Sally’s portfolio is exciting and varied.
Recent work has been developing her Low Tide collection, working on long landscape formats.
For the last 20 years, Sally has exhibited widely in London and the UK, including the Royal Academy Summer Exhibition, and has also exhibited in Italy, France and Spain. This year she has shown at the Bankside Gallery, London and the Costello di Costigliole d'Asti near Turin.
Sally teaches adult printmaking at Kite Studios in Shepherd's Bush, is a member of the Printmakers Council and the Artists Pool.
For a wider range of her work please visit her website.
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This year I am delighted to be sharing the studio with Lucy Strathon, a good friend and talented printmaker.