Sophie Newnham

Studio 71

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07785 906906 Opens in a new window


Oil paintings, watercolour, ink and graphite

Studio - Botanical Art- Sophie Newnham

Welcome to my Artists At Home gallery!  I hope to meet you at our upcoming open studios event, running from Friday June 13th (6-9pm) through Sat and Sun June 15th (11am - 6pm), where you will be able to view and buy from a colourful range of my paintings and drawings, in person.  I'm excited to welcome you to my space and to show you the many flowers, plants and vegetables that I love to capture on paper and canvas.

About the artist

Sophie is predominantly a botanical artist and recently awarded Fellow of the Society of Botanical Artists. Her main focus over the past 20 years has been a series of large scale, botanical oil paintings.  The detailed flowers that she paints, highlight the beauty and intricacy of nature she observes and admires around her.  Her inspiration is often found amongst the parks and gardens of west London as well as further afield. 

'I have painted many subjects over my career, but often find myself drawn to a beautiful flower that I feel compelled to draw or paint. It is their magical energy, intensity of colour and ability to hold the observer in the present moment that I find so alluring. Much of life now is fast paced; rushing from one thing to another and it is rare that we make time to be still, to appreciate the wondrous details of the world around us. I feel privileged to be an artist and to be able to closely observe the fleeting world of nature over time. My goal is to condense what I see into a single piece that can be appreciated well beyond its fleeting lifespan.  The flowers I have painted over the years have also served as my creative biography, mapping out the path of my life as an artist and as a creative expression of life as I experience it.  The paints, depths of details and colours have become my guiding light, as a way to express both the stepping-stones and diversions I've experienced.'

Portraiture and life drawing have also become strong elements of her work, with the self-portrait at the foundation.  She has made it onto the reserved list for the Sky Portrait Artist of the Year twice with her self-portraits in oils, which has motivated her to pursue this further.  She loves to teach and runs a series of art clubs and workshops for both children and adults. Through teaching  she has begun to uncover a new found energy, honesty, openness and freedom in her style of working. Her new looser style paintings will also be available to see and purchase over the AAH weekend.

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'Bowl of Fruit'- After Helena Schjerfbeck
Oil on paper A4


'Artichoke' - After Uglow
Oil on paper


White Kohlrabi
Pen and Inks on 200 gsm cartridge paper A2


Seeking The Light | Fritillaria Uva Vulpis
Oil on linen canvas 30


Cacti | Barcelona
Ink on watercolour paper 18x24cm per drawing
Sold individually or as a trio. £65 each


Yellow Irises print in off-white mount
Giclee print on Hahnemuhle archive paper
Limited edition 2 of 20 Second image: orginal painting


Freeflow Dahlia
Ink on cartridge paper (using natural tools) A3


Glazed jug with fruit still life
Oil on canvas panel 20x25cm


Frittillaria Meleagris
Pencil on cartridge paper A2 plus frame
Botanical study in pencil on cartridge Framed in 'Sugared Almond' mount, and charcoal black frame.


Purple Iris
Oil on linen canvas Canvas dimensions, 10


Rebirth- Anemones
Oil on linen canvas 24


Pink Radish
Watercolour and Ink Drawing | 200 gsm cartridge paper A5


Green Pepper
Oil on wooden board 30cm x 30cm x 1.5cm


Egyptian Goose- Serpentine
Pencil on cartridge paper A2
Price reduction due to small chip from glass on frame. P&P to be arranged at point of purchase, according to individual location.


The Movement of a Tulip | Holland Park
Oil on linen canvas 32


Bunched Beetroots
Pen and Ink on 200 gsm cartridge paper A2


Dahlias- The Majesty of an Ending
Pen and ink on coldpressed paper A2


The Three Irises (After Blackadder)
Watercolour and ink on coldpressed paper A4


Red Spinach
Pen and ink on coldpressed paper A4


Doubtful Knightspur
Pencil on 200gsm cartridge paper
Botanical study in pencil on cartridge Framed in 'Sugared Almond' mount, and charcoal black frame.


Palm | Palazzo San Felice, Naples
Watercolour and Ink Drawing | 200 gsm cartridge paper A4


Dahlias- Effervescence
Pen and ink on coldpressed paper A2


Peonies in a green vase
Watercolour and ink on coldpressed paper A4
To buy direct, follow link: P&P within the UK £5 or to be arranged with the artist, according to individual location. For a guideline on postage examples head to the P&P page on my website: Any questions, please contact:


Triptych | Leafy Lemons | oil on linen
Oil on linen canvas Framed sizes 15.5


Freesias II
Ink and watercolour study on cold pressed paper A4


Garden Peas
Watercolour and ink on coldpressed paper A3


Please sign in or register to buy artworks from this artist

If you are unable to make the Open Studios event but would like to make an enquiry regarding a piece you have seen and/ or to arrange a delivery, please send an email to: and I'll be in touch as soon as possible!

